After checking out, the activation key, including the PROFIS software download link, will be sent by email. Order multiple activation keys in a single step by increasing the order quantity. This software offers the same features as PROFIS Anchor, with the addition of concrete over metal deck, masonry, and baseplate design. 1 Share Customers also searched for software Purchase Information Licensing Each software user requires an activation key. Please visit the main page of PROFIS Anchor on Software Informer.

It includes international codes ACI, EOTA, CEN, SA:TS101 or design using our own Hilti design methods based on more than 60 years of anchor fastening expertise and research. Software for Measuring Devices Hilti PROFIS software helps you with your measuring tasks, from design and data management to jobsite layout and concrete scan analysis. Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily. Sicurezza e autorizzazioni: Software Hilti. Hilti PROFIS Anchor Channel design software is based on a wide range of design methods. PROFIS Engineering is Hiltis cloud-based anchor design software that enables automatic and advanced calculating, easy specifying and integrated BIM modeling.

Hilti PROFIS Rebar also integrates seamlessly into AutoCAD® and links directly to our BIM/CAD library allowing you to insert any Hilti rebar model straight into your design. Hi Medhanie, Hilti has launched a new software, PROFIS Engineering. Software di progettazione strutturale per calcolare e modellare in modo efficiente i binari tasselli gettati in opera secondo le norme e i regolamenti edilizi.
With Hilti PROFIS Installation design software, you can: PROFIS ENGINEERING IS YOUR NEW SOLUTION FOR REBAR DESIGN Explore the new concrete to concrete module and design post installed rebar for slab/wall extensions, structural joints, or concrete overlays using a variety of methods including ACI/CSA development length, lap splices and anchoring to concrete provisions.